Monday, April 6, 2009

Looking at the world through a childs eyes.

Here it goes again, another Abigail funny. This morning Abigail was looking at the pictures from when she was born. There was a picture of her right after she was born and before she was cleaned up and there was a look of vernix on her because she was born at only 36week. She says, "mommy this was before I had a bath, because you ate a lot of powder." Ha Ha Ha, It is a great reminder to look at the world through innocent eyes and keep things simple.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Abigail's view on Mouth Wash

Abigail has picked up some creative language. The other night at the dinner table Abigail dropped something and says "Damn it!". I quickly corrected her and told her that this was a bad word and we do not talk like that or say that word. I also told her that if I heard it again I would wash her mouth out with soap. (Is it funny how we start to discipline like our parents. I could just see my mom when that came out of my mouth.) The next night at dinner she knocked her straw out of her drink. "Damn it!" So I told her when she finished her dinner she would be getting her mouth washed out with soap. She sits there for a moment cocks her head to the side and says, "you know mom, they make mouth wash and it doesn't taste near as bad as soap." Kids they are so innocent. How do you not laugh. It make you wonder what goes through their little heads.